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Tribhuvan University published the examination center of Bachelor second year

Tribhuvan University
Office of the Controller of Examination, Balkhu
Urgent notice regarding Exam Center for Bachelor Level  second year from Tribhuvan University

Tribhuvan University, Office of the controller of Examination, today published the examination center for the upcoming Bachelor level second year examination. They have fixed the following centers in Kathmandu.....................
Valley and Kavre district to conduct the annual exam of  bachelor level 2nd year. This notice is for all the exams of Bachelor level second year (Faculty of Humanities, Management, Science, Law and Education), both regular and Private (full and partial).

The examination of Bachelor Second year are going to start from Chaitra 19, 2069 and will end on 18 Baishakha 2070

 Examination time for Bachelor second year:  
  1. According to exam schedule notice: 12 - 3 pm
  2. According to Exam center notice: 11 to 2pm
As this created confusion we  have asked TU OCE to clear this confusion and According to TU OCE officials, the exam will be conducted from 12-3 pm.  
Our advice: We are not sure how TU OCE will try to minimize this confusion by circulating the info that 12 to 3 pm (published in exam schedule) is the correct time so For the students who have exam on very first day (BA, B.Sc and LLB), its better to reach exam center one hour earlier. On subsequent exam this time of confusion wont occur.
You can view the examination Schedule of Bachelor 2nd year here:  Examination Schedule Bachelor level second year from Tribhuvan University
Due to some unavoidable circumstances the examination of Accounting for Financial Analysis and Planning 211 which was scheduled for 2069/12/19 has been rescheduled for 2070 Baishakha 18. The examination time and the venue of the examination will be same.
To view the exam Center of Bachelor 2nd year examination Click here
Process: if you clicked in the above link it will open the document in google doc and you will be able to view the document.
If you want to download the file, go to File (Left hand top) and take pointer above file, you will see the option download, Click this, this will download the pdf file in your computer.

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प्राबिधिक शिक्षा

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