01 Jun, 2013 Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Office of the controller of examination, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur published notice regarding registration form fillup to participate SLC exam 2071. This notice is issued for the students who are studying in class nine in the academic year-2070. To participate in the SLC exam those students have to fill the registraion form from Jestha 11 to Ashad 10, 2070. Schools have to submit the registration form of their students to District education office within Ashad 15, 2070. Students who are born after 2057 Chaitra last are not eligible to attend the SLC examination of 2071. Registration form per student is Rs. 150 Those students who failed to fill up this registration form wont be allowed to sit for the SLC exam 2071. District education offices have to submit the details of registration form and fees to Office of the controller of examination within 2070 Sharwan 25. Note: Students have to fill their r...
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