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Admissions open for Bachelor in Engineering programs in KU School of Engineering

Kathmandu University School of Engineering today announces admission notice for Four year undergraduate programs in Engineerings. i.e Bachelor in Engineering programs. 
  1. BE (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
    1. Communication:  Merit seats: 27; Quota Seats: 3
    2. Power control:  Merit seats: 27; Quota Seats: 3
  2. BE (Mechanical Engineering):  Merit seats: 54; Quota Seats: 6
  3. BE (Civil Engineering with specialization in Hydropower):  Merit seats: 54; Quota Seats: 6
  4. BTech (Environmental Engineering):  Merit seats: 31; Quota Seats: 4

Who can apply?
10+2 or equivalent examinations with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (PCM). 
  1. BE Computer Engineering: Merit seats: 54; Quota Seats: 6
  2. BE Geomatics Engineering:Merit seats:  18; Quota Seats: 12
  3. B.Sc Computer Science: Merit seats: 36; Quota Seats: 4
  4. B.Sc Applied Physics: Merit seats: 18; Quota Seats: 2
Who can apply?
10+2 or equivalent examinations with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in Physics,Mathematics, Computer Science (PMCs)
  1. Applications are to be filled online only.
  2. Online forms will be available from July 1, 2013 at the KU Website.
  3. All applicants are urged to apply from remote computers. 
  4. All applicants are required to collect their admit cards from the Admissions center at Dhulikhel between July 8 to 26, 2013 (10 am to 3 pm) at Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, after payments of the non-refundable application fee of Rs: 1000. 
  5. Please check KU website for instruction regarding Admit card collection. 
  6. The last date for the submission of completed application form is July 24, 2013.
Admission test: Applicants must appear for the admission test conducted by the University on Tuesday, July 30, 2013, at the Kathmandu University campus in Dhulikhel. 
Interview: Selected candidates will be called for document verification at the respective departments. 
Students who have passed class 11 and waiting for the class 12 results can also apply on provisional basis.

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