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Examinees of Teacher Service Commission confused after CIAA's delayed investigation

24 Feb, 2014
Thousands of examinees who attended the examinations held by the Teachers' Service Commission (TSC) for schoolteachers have been bewildered by the delayed decision of the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) regarding the investigation into alleged irregularities in the selection process.
The TSC had put on hold the interview of secondary level schoolteachers following the directive of the CIAA nearly two months ago.
The interviews of all districts were halted after the complaints were filed at the CIAA citing irregularities in the announcement of result of written tests in some subjects in Kathmandu district.
Some 450,000 examinees had taken the examinations some six months ago for a total of 13069 schoolteachers. However, the result of primary level has not been published yet.
Spokesperson at the CIAA Shreedhar Sapkota said that investigations have been completed and the decisions would come out soon.
However, the teacher unions have expressed their dissatisfaction to the delay in CIAA's decision.
Chairman of Nepal National Teachers' Organization Baburam Thapa has said that they would stage sit-in in front of the CIAA office saying that the CIAA's step has created confusions in schoolteachers' selection process.
Thapa said that the lawmakers would be urged to raise the issue at the House meetings after a joint meeting of the unions on Monday.
Chairman of All Nepal Teachers' Organization Lal Bahadur BC said claimed that major political parties were behind the scene of CIAA's direction to halt the interviews.
However, Assistant Spokesperson at the Ministry of Education Dr Rojnath Pandey said that there was no option to wait for the final investigation of the constitutional body.
Source: Rss

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