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Lower sec English

" In your language teaching class, the student number is comprised of various ethnic language communities. Some students are very weak in listening/speaking and some others are weak in reading/writing. Analyze the problem and suggest the ways to overcome it "

problems......lack of trained teacher,teachers do not speak in English,lack of authentic materials,Students feel difficulty what to write and how to write,examination system also creates problem,testing speaking is just for formality.etc................
solutions provide trained teacher,make available authentic materials,helping students in difficulty,high marks should be given to speaking,plan before  teaching,giving more exposure to English use etc.


It is clear that the students' background is not same. The class is full of various ethnic group.It means , it is clear that a same teaching  methodology is not sufficient for that class. The result of using only a method everyday without using materials is that some students are poor in listening and speaking and some are poor in reading and writing.  Due to the various problems like using only a method every day without any materials, classroom management, sitting arragement, untrained teacher or full deactivation of a teacher, evaluation system,not preparing well before enter the class, no  use of materials systamatically etc.Out of these problems , this one is solved here....  # Using only a method everyday  without materials;         The teacher should know well that in the class he/ she is not only teaching or completing the course every year, is also learning the students. It is not sure that the students learn well just teaching every day ,a teacher should care wether they are learning in his teaching or not. It mean wether his/ her teaching methodology is digestable for the students or not. Are the students enjoying and learning in teaching or not? The teacher didnt feedback on those question in by gone class .So I myself just use a method only to enable them in four language skills. To teach an objective the teacher must use various methods with dufferent materials then olnly the students enabled on it here the teacher used only a method to teach various objective or four language skills at all.  So the clear solution is that a teacher should know others metod as well like group discussion, pair work, field trip, communicative activities , using the fast learner in the class as a facilitator . And the teacher should creat and design different materials according to the subject matter .

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