The First World War
A situation in which almost all the countries of the world are directly or indirectly involved in armed fighting against their rivals block is called world war. One blocks countries may give arms, money, send military forces to the battle front for fighting against the military of the rival block. In 1914, the world was affected by a serious war which is known as First World War.
Causes of the First World War
1. Groupism:
One of the important and most responsible factor that caused the fierce and most destructive First World War was Groupism. The groupism was started by German chancellor Otto Von Bismarck. He sowed the seeds of the first world war. During that period, Germany, Italy and Austria made triple alliances and England and Japan had hostility between them so, the whole Europe was divided into two blocks: because of that division the doubt and enmity arose among the countries of Europe which finally caused the enormous and destructive World War from European countries.
2. Militarism:
The other important factors that caused the world war was militarism. Both the hostile blocks were in a fear filled with suspicion and hatred against each other. They started to increase the number of armies and developed dangerous weapons as they felt unsecured which also came to be known as the cause of the war.
3. Economic imperialism:
The countries in Europe were in search of a good market to supply their productions after the industrial revolution in Europe. The European countries also wanted to raise their economic status and size of the army and produce harmful weapons. The competition of imperialism and colonialism began in Europe that made the cold relationship among the countries which led the in path of destructive wars because of these reasons.
4. Character of William-II:
William II-(The Emperor of Germany) wanted to make Germany a powerful country in the world. His principle was World power of downfall. He wanted to be more powerful than U.K. So, the relationship between Germany and U.K was cold which enriched them to involve in the first world war.
5. Issue of Bosnia and Herzegovina:
Bosnia and Herzegovina (the two Balkan countries ) were kept in Austria by the Berlin Convention of 1878 A.D. But, most of the people in Bosnia and Herzegovina were of the Serbian race. Due to these reasons, there was frequent rebellions and revolt against Austria.
6. Problem of Balkan:
Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria were under turkey which was called the Ottoman Emperor. These states wanted independence because of the despotic rule of Turkey due to the right of nationalism. Islams made the Christians their victims. So, there was a frequent war to the Balkan region. So, to initiate the first world war, Balkan countries were also responsible.
7. Stern Nationalism and Newspaper:
Extreme nationalism was developed by Germany. They had the arrogance that they were the superior race and born to rule the world. Germany and U.K had hatred and France and Germany had enmity. The countries used to publish the false news to provoke the people's spirit against the enemy countries.
8.The Immediate Cause:
Archduke Franz Ferdinand ( the prince of Austria-Hungary) along with his wife Sophie Chotek were visiting Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia. 19 years old student, a member of the black-hand group named Gavrilo Prince killed the couple by shooting the couple from behind during their visit. The incident was named as the immediate cause of the war. After a month of the murder of the couple, the emperor of Austria-Hungary, Franz Joseph, with the support of Germany, sent a telegram to Serbian king, Peter Blaming on 25 July.1914, that his government was responsible for the murder of a couple of Austria Princess. The telegram contained the following:
Serbia should give permission to Austro-Hungarian authorities to monitor the suppression of the black hand society and investigate the criminal activities. Serbia must suppress the Black Hand Society and Serbia must respond to the terms of ultimatum within 48 hours. On 27 July 1914, King Peter of Serbia replied stating that the members of black hand could be suppressed, but the authorities of Austria-Hungary would not be allowed in Serbia to monitor the investigate. So, formally the Austrian government declared war against Serbia on 28 July 1914 and initiated the destructive and enormous the First World War.
If the Serbian did not take feeling of revenge against Austria-Hungary, the First World War would not be occurred. Suggest the Nepalese political parties in six points briefly to focus on mutual understanding, not to keep feeling of revenge against each other learning the lessons from the First World War.
The prince of Austria –Hungary Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sophie Chotek were shooting dead while visiting Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. A 19 year old student also a member of 'Black Hand' numbingly Gavrilo Principe was shot them dead. After a month of the murder of the couple, Austria –Hungary blamed Serbia for the murder. There was a telegram with some threatening messages.
From the event related to First World War, we can have a lesson that enmity exists in tiny things if not handled carefully. It was the immediate cause to break out the First World War. The political parties of Nepal go through different conflicting situation time and again. They exaggerate the issue and draw it as their favor. As a result, general people are suffering from various difficulties in times. In order to save our country from such possible conflict, I would like to suggest political parties of Nepal in the following ways:
Threatening each other does not have any meaning for settling down the problems. So, creating mutual consensus is very important.
Formation of unnatural groups for the sake of their own selfishness results misunderstanding and conflicts. This should be avoided strictly for better outlet.
Political consensus is vital for political parties keeping nation's prosperity at first.
Transparency should be maintained in the activities of political parties and maintain responsible attitude among the co-existing parties.
Mention any three differences and four similarities of consequences between first and Second World War.
The world wars were the destructive acts in the history of the world. There was big loser of human lives and properties.
The differences on the basis of their consequences between the First and Second World War are as follows:
The dictatorship was founded after First World War but democratic changes were flourished at the end of Second World War.
Women started working openly in Europe due to the engagement of men in war during First World War but Second World War brought up technological development with industrial growth.
League of development was formed at the end of First World War but Second World War founded the Nations organization.
The similarities between the consequences of the first and Second World War are:
They were begun from the European countries
Two giant's hostiles were formed separating them as capitalist and communist.
Almost all the countries in the world were participated in the war.
'The revenge can't solve the problems'. Has it been proved by the world wars.
The revenge is the cause of the war. We can feel it even in our daily life. The first and second wars proved it. The Serbian took the revenge murdering the prince and prince of Austria Hungary. In its return, Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia. All the powers of the world sided the either one. The allied countries blamed and loaded only to Germany for the First World War was as the revenge which couldn't be forgotten by German. As it got its favorable situation, it declared war on the allies. So, we can say the seed of the First World War brought the starting of the Second World War due to the revenge.
Enumerate any six main events of the First World War.
Date Chief Events
28 July 1914
Murder of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand, Austrian Emperor Francis Joseph launches a war on Serbia
29 July 1914
Russia mobilized her army to defend Serbia
30 July 1914
Germany's ultimatum to Russia to withdraw her army
1 Aug 1914 Germany declared war on Russia
4 Aug 1914
England declared war on Germany
10 Aug 1914
Austria- Hungary invaded Russia
12 Aug 1914
Japan joined Triple Entente
20 Aug 1914
First Battle of "Ypres"
23 Aug 1914
Italy joined Triple Entente and declared war on Austria
15 Oct 1915 England attacked Bulgaria
22 Feb 1916
Germany opened the battle of Verdun.
What were the terms of ultimatum sent by Austro-Hungarian Emperor to Serbian king peter?
The terms of ultimatum sent by Austro-Hungarian Empire to Serbian king Peter were that Serbia must:
Suppress the Black Hand society.
Allow the Austrian authorities to investigate the criminal activities in Bosnia
That Serbia must respond to the terms of ultimatum within 48 hours.
List the allied power, axis or central power and national countries involved in the First World War.
The list of allied power, axis or central power and national countries involved in the First World War are as follows:
Allied power- Britain, France, Russia, Portugal, Italy Romania and Serbia,
Axis or central power- Germany, Austria, and Ottoman Empire.
National countries- Spain, Switzerland, Albania, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iran
The following years are historically important. Describe with they are important.
1914 AD: This was the year when the First World War broken out. It started in Europe but had its influence all over the world. The worldwide politics was affected including Nepal. The war continued till 1918 and Germany was accused of the war and had to make reparation to the winning countries.
Prepare a dialogue including political, economic and social results developed after First World War.
(The First World War was held between 1914-1918 with the main involvement of the powerful European countries and indirect involvement of other smaller countries. It was fought in various parts in the world. It is presented below in the form of dialogue.)
Student- Excuse me sir, the first world war completed after five years of fierce power test. Whoever suffered in whatever way but what were the social, political and economic results in the world? Would you explain them?
Teacher- Of course it brought such results in the world. It brought social results adversely. Many people were left out as orphans, women as widows. Children were parentless and homeless. Those who were alive, they had no support to live normal life. Living dependently was a great torture and a pain. Chemicals and other uses bought diseases which were incurable. When people moved to other places for safety, there was migration too.
Students- What kinds of economic results were observed thereafter?
Teacher- Well, there were seen many economic hazards. The expenses of the countries were worthless, untouchable. Physical infrastructures like hospitals, college, buildings, and personal houses were massively destroyed. Huge use of expensive Weapons brought no more than losses and wastages. Germany and Austria were compelled to pay huge compensation over the victorious countries. The industries were closed, destroyed. People were forced to either work on cheap wages and exploitation. Countries had to bear huge economic problems for their reconstruction and the development.
Student- Sir, what kind of political results did it bring?
Teacher- Listen, the war ended with the badly affected loss of Germany, Austria and the countries supporting them. The Pans Peace Settlement led to the Versailles Treaty which was a huge domination and suppression over Germany. It brought no more pacifying results but sense of revenge and aggression against the victorious countries. The place captured by Germany earlier was again seized like: Alsace and Lorraine, Eupan and Mamady, Scheloweig, Silesia and so many colonies. The defeated countries had later rose up in a new political scenario with the rise of dictations there. Hitler in Germany, Mussolini in Italy, General Franco in Spain. They played such a role later which became the base for the rise of the Second World War.
Mention any four reasons, why the UNO was established.
The UNO was established in 1945. And the reasons for the establishment of UNO are as follows:
The war was going more destructive and it was sure to pain the existence and properties, so there was felt an emergency of such an organization that could solve the potentials of war fare activities.
It was aimed at developing the tolerance and lives together in peace and harmony as good neighbors.
It was established to stop war and the rights of people to live peacefully.
It was established to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all the people.
World War I was fought very violently. Machine guns, grenades, airplanes, armoured tanks, submarines and poisonous gas such as chlorine caused unbelievable casualties. Armies fought in dreadful conditions such as in the muddy trenches against the barbed wire fence. Even civilian were injured in the war. As soldiers were killed and injured, older and younger men had to be dispatched.
In 1914 with appalling loss of life, Germany attacked Belgium and France but could not capture the Polish capital of Warsaw. In 1917, Russian armies quitted the battle fields due to a revolution in their land. The german attack on the US unarmed ships caused the United States to join the Allies in 1917. Finally, the Central Powers surrendered in autumn 1918. However, World War I was officially ended by an armistice signed in France on November 11.
After the defeat of Germany in World War I, the treaty was signed between the victories allies and Germany in World War I, the treaty was signed between the victorious allies and Germany on June 28, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles in France. No Consultation was made with Germany. According to the treaty, Germany was blamed solely for the destruction and it was made to pay for the loss. Germany lost 13% of its land and 6 million people. It has to cede the following territories to different nations/organisation as specified.
1. Alsace and Lorraine to France
2. Eupen-Malmedy to Belgium
3. North Schleswig to Denmark
4. Posen and West Prussia to Poland
5. Upper Silesia to Poland
6. Saar and Danzig area to the league of Nations
7. The city of Memel to Lithuania, a new Baltic state
8. All overseas colonies to the league of Nations
Restriction on military
The German army was withdrawn from Rhineland; it was kept under Allied power for 15 years.
Germany had to keep only 100,000 soldiers. New recruitment was restricted.
Germany was not allowed to keep more than 24 warships.
It was prohibited from manufacturing warships, tanks and aeroplanes.
Germany had to pay gold and other things worth 660 million pounds for reparation.
Coal production area of Saar was given to France for 15 years.
Consequences of World War I
1. Loss of life
World War I was a large-scale war and first of its kind. Advanced warfare techniques used in the war which caused horrible loss of lives and properties. More than 8 million people were killed, 6 million were badly injured and 13 million people received minor injuries.
2. Loss of property
About 36 nations were involved in the war. According to great economists, the total direct cost of war stood at about $186 billion. A huge amount of property, difficult to exactly estimate, was destroyed.
3. Destruction of industry
Due to bombardment, thousands of factories and buildings collapsed. Serbia, Romania, Belgium, France and England were very badly affected.
4. End of despotic rule
The Czar rule of Russia came to an end. Similarly monarchy was exterminated in Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey.
5. Rise of republic
Republican system of administration became popular in Europe. Russia, Germany, Poland, Austria, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Czechoslovakia and Ukraine became republic.
6. National independence
The Treaty of Versailles accepted the victory of nationality. So that new nations like Czechoslovakia, Albania, Poland etc. emerged.
7. Shift of the world power
Big empires like Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Empires were destroyed. America became the centre of politics, military and finance.
8. Social consequences
Labour class became important. Social reforms were introduced.International Labour Organization (ILO) was formed. Feeling of cooperation grew. There was drastically decrements of the population due to low birth rates.
9. Development of technology
Poisonous gases and medicines were invented. Ships, planes, submarines, etc. were widely used in wars.
10. Establishment of the league of Nation
For world peace and security organization named the League of Nations was established which was the first international organization of the world. The assembly, the council and the permanent court of justice were its organs.
Role of Nepal in World War I
Nepal helped Britain in World War I. Prime minister Chandra Shumsher 75,000 Nepalese troops under the command of Babar Shumsher to fight for the British government. It is recorded that Nepal sent 1,06, 544 youths to fight in the war in the favour of United Kingdom. Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm II has said, "I can send my army to fight any troop of the world but my heart shakes when I hear the name of Gorkhali soldiers." A number of brave Nepali soldiers were awarded Victoria Cross and Military Cross for their invaluable contributions.
Point out any three disadvantages that Germany faced after the First World War.
Germany lost in the First World War and this was placed in a point where it had to face a lot of disadvantages. Some of them are:
War guilt and compensation: Germany was pressured to accept the sole responsibility for beginning the First World War. Thus, Germany was forced to pay 33,000 million US dollars to the victorious powers.
German lost her territories: According to the territorial arrangement Germany lost territories.
Germany Army was disarmed: The treaty of Versailles reduced the German's military strength.
Write any six results of the First World War.
Any six results of the First World War are as follows:
Unprecedented loss of life and property.
Fall of absolute monarchies and the rise of republicanism.
Rise of dictatorship.
Social changes.
The seed sowing of the Second World War.
The birth of the League of Nations.
Why, when and how the League of Nations formed?
The League of Nations was formed with an objective to:
Prevent war
Preserve world peace
Encourage international co-operation. On 10 January 1920 the League of Nation was formed with 24 member's constitution of the organs; the assembly, the council, the secretariat, the mandates, commissions, the permanent court of international justice and the epidemics commissions.
What were the social changes that occurred after the First World War?
When men were engaged in war, women came forward to work in offices and factories. Women worked hard, confidently and they became conscious of their rights. Soldiers of different countries found opportunity to exchange their ideas. Nepalese soldiers too reached Europe and Africa during the war. The war changed religious and orthodoxy of Europe people and they became more secular. Factory laws were passed and trade unions were opened in many countries of the world.
What were the causes of the world war I. Describe briefly?
The causes of the World War I are as follows:
Formation of two Hostile Alliance: France and Germany were arch-rival. To isolate France and to secure support to his policies, Bismarck made a secret alliance known as 'Dual Alliance' with Austria-Hungary in 1879. Italy joined this alliance in 1892. Now it came to be known as Triple Alliance or Central Power.
After Otto Van Bismarck resigned from his post in 1890, France made two different treaties with Russia and Britain and hence triple estate was formed of France, England and Russia. These two groups were likely to fight to each other at any time.
Aggressive nationalism: Nationalism can be an evil force and a curse to humanity. It is usually based on the slogan 'My country', right or wrong, is the greatest. It showed the seeds of the First World War.
Anarchy and absence of peace keeping organization: The big and powerful nations began to do what they liked. They ignored justice and values. 'Might is right' was the order of the time. The strong nations openly violated international laws. There was no such international peace keeping organization which could control the explosive situation prevailing in Europe.
The immediate cause: Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the hero of Austrian throne. At a time he was travelling throughout the streets of Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia, along with his wife Sophie Chotek, a Black Garvilo Princip murdered the couple, shooting from nearby on 28th June 1914. This incident sparked off the First World War.
What are the results of First World War?
The results of the First World War are as follows:
Unprecedented loss of life and property: This war had caused a heavy loss of human life. Out of 65 million people involved in war, ten million people lost their lives and millions were wounded and maimed for life. A unimaginable amount of property was destroyed in this war, nearly 6000 British ships and 200 German submarines were destroyed. This led to untold misery and suffering.
The Treaty of Versailles: The Treaty of Versailles contained the first to breakout another world war. The terms of the treaty of Versailles were as follows:
1. War guilt
2. Germany lost her territories
3. German Army was disarmed
4. Compensation
Monarchies destroyed: The four monarchies along with their monarchies collapsed.
Rise of new nations: The First World War changed the map of the world. Many new nations emerged.
Emergence of dictatorship: Due to unemployment and economic depression followed by unrest and chaos, democracy could not sustain. Therefore, dictatorship emerges in Germany, Italy, Spain and Russia.
The British of the League of Nations: the league of nation was set up to restore, peace, goodwill and cooperation among the nations of the world. It aimed at preventing the outbreak of war in future.
Social consequences: It brought about a lot of changes in societies. Many young boys died in this war which affected the population of many countries. Many people were rendered homeless.