(Note: The sequence of the sections can be altered to suit the discipline and the research methodology being applied.)
a. Title: Give appropriate title to your research. Keep it short, specific and catchy.
b. Abstract: Write the abstract of your work in 250 words
c. Background: mention the background against which you are conducting your study
d. Problem Statement: State the problem clearly. This is related to your research question. What is the answer you want to find from your research
e. Literature Review and Research Gaps: Write a comprehensive review of literature that are related to your work. This will form the basis for your methodology, conceptual framework and theoretical insights. Based on the review of literature, show clearly where the knowledge gap is and how does your research help fill up the knowledge gap.
f. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework: Give a clear picture of what conceptual/theoretical framework you are adopting to pursue your research and to analyse your study.
g. Conjectures/Hypotheses, Research Questions: Discuss your hypothesis and research questions
h. Research Objectives: What are the general and specific objectives of your research.
i. Study Design, Methods, Tools and Data Analysis: Discuss clearly about the design of your study, what methods you will adopt to conduct your study and analyze your data, what tools you will use to collect your data and how you are going to analyze and present your research.
j. Expected Findings: Mention clearly what is the prediction of your study and what are your expected findings and after research is completed whether your outcomes match with your initial prediction.
k. Novelty and Level of Contribution of the Study: Write about what is the novel (new) element you are bringing into your research and how your research will contribute to the overall knowledge of the field.
l. Expected Outputs (Publications): Discuss if you are going to publish your research and in what kind of journal and what else you will achieve from your study
m. Limitations and Delimitations: Discuss the scope of your study what areas you will cover and what you won’t cover
n. Ethical/Safety Issues: You may need to take prior permission or approval before you conduct some researches and there may be safety issues like threats or dangers to human being or environment. Mention if there is anything involved like this and how do you resolve ethical and safety issues
o. Organization of the Study: Develop a clear outline/ organizational structure of the study.
p. References: Give the list of references for all the literature that you have cited in the body of your text.
r. Association to National Priority** (explain in a simple language): mention how your research is useful to the nation, how it addresses the need of the nation.