A conceptual framework is a “network, or “a plane,” of interlinked concepts that
together provide a comprehensive understanding of a phenomenon or
“A conceptual framework is an argument that the concepts chosen for
investigation, and any anticipated relationships among them, will be appropriate
and useful given the research problem under investigation”.
“A conceptual framework explains either graphically or in a narrative form, the
main things to be studied-the key factors, constructs or variable – and the
presumed relationships among them. Frameworks can be rudimentary or
elaborate, theory-driven or commonsensical, descriptive or casual”.
Miles &
A conceptual framework is “the system of concepts, assumptions, expectations,
beliefs and theories that supports and informs your research...”
The conceptual framework, as both a process and a framework that helps to direct
and ground researchers, is “an argument about why the topic of a study matters,
and why the methods proposed to study it are appropriate and rigorous”.
Ravitch &
Riggan (2012)
“A conceptual framework, which is simply a less developed form of a theory,
consists of statements that link abstract concepts to empirical data. Theories and
conceptual frameworks are developed to account for or describe abstract
phenomena that occur under similar conditions”.
Rudestam &
“A conceptual framework explains either graphically or in a narrative form, the
main dimensions to be studied − the key factors or variables and the presumed
relationships. A framework can be rudimentary or elaborate, theory driven or
Van der Walt
(2003) commonsensical, descriptive or causal”.
“A ‘conceptual framework’ can be distinguished from a theoretical framework in
that it is a less-developed explanation of events”.
Vithal, Jansen &
A conceptual framework is the researcher’s idea on how the research problem will have to be explored. This is founded on the theoretical framework, which lies on a much broader scale of resolution. The theoretical framework dwells on time tested theories that embody the findings of numerous investigations on how phenomena occur.
The theoretical framework describes a broader relationship between things.
The conceptual framework specifies the variables that will have to be explored in the investigation.