Text to be considered in Proposal
Chapter II
Text to be considered in a Proposal
(लगभग 20 पेजको proposal यसरी तयार गर्नुहोस)
Chapter I
(≈25% of total pages, say 5)
Major text to be covered
1. Brief overview of the topic and introduce the pivoting ideas अनुसन्धान को मुख्य एजेन्डा के हो? General Introduction लेख्नुहोस । यस proposal मा मुख्य रुपमा छलफल हुने बिषयबस्तुलाइ सारमा उल्लेख गर्नुहोस।
2. Background of the study
· अनुसन्धान समस्यालाई परिचय दिनुहोस
· प्रयोग भएका terminology ले के अर्थ राख्छ? यसको अवस्था बारे मुलत: कस्तो कुरा उठिरहेको छ? लेख्नुहोस
3. Statement of the problem
· A problem is a situation, person or thing that needs research attention. यसमा तलका प्रश्नहरुको उत्तरलाई छोटकरीमा उल्लेख गर्नुहोस।
o Why is this research work?
o Why might be the effect of the research work?
o What is the knowledge gap to uncover?
o What questions are aiming to answer?
4. Research questions
· Statement of the problem र knowledge gap बाट तानिएका प्रश्नहरु उल्लेख गर्नुहोस।
5. Signification of the study
· Why is this research significant to other audience? उल्लेख गर्नुहोस।
6. Rationale of the study
· Why is it so important? किन अनुसन्धान गर्नु पर्यो? उल्लेख गर्नुहोस।
7. Operational Definition of the Key terms
· Explain the key terms used in title with operational/objective meaning?
(50% of total page, say 10)
Literature Review दोस्रो Chapter मा लेख्ने भएता पनि, Literature Review नगरी knowledge gap थाहा हुँदैन र यो थाहा नपाइ न त topic नै छान्न सकिन्छ, न त Statement of the Problem र research questions नै बनाउन सकिन्छ, त्यसैले, Literature Review लाई Academic Writing को term paper बनाउनुहोस ।
Literature Review Helps to
- define and delimit the research problem
- apply appropriate research methodology
- identify tools and instruments to be used
- develop conceptual framework (A conceptual framework connect link concepts from literature to establish evidence to support the need for the research questions
कसरी गर्ने
1. important र साना साना बाक्यहरु हुबहु सारेर inverted coma भित्र राखी in-text cite गर्नुहोस
2. important तर धेरै लामा परिच्छेदहरु लाई अनि आफ्नै किसिमले paraphrasing गरि in-text cite गर्नुहोस
कति शिर्षकमा गर्ने
३ किसिमका Literature खोजेर Review गर्नुहोस
1. Thematic Review: research problem र research questions संग मेल खाने (प्रत्यक्ष वा अप्रत्यक्ष) सामग्रीहरु को review
2. Theoretical Review: आफ्नो thesis लाइ कुन theory को आँखा बाट हेर्नु हुन्छ वा ब्याख्या गर्न चाहनु हुन्छ सो को review
3. Empirical Review: thesis संग मिल्ने खालको research वा जर्नल आर्टिकल को review
Conceptual Framework
(माथिको Review को आधारमा)
(माथिको Review को आधारमा)
Research Questions (RQs), theory र methodological process लाइ कसरी variables वा research problem बाट connect गर्नुहुन्छ? र output निस्कन्छ त्यसको ब्याख्या गर्ने चार्ट नै conceptual framework हो यसमा तपाईंले ४ कुरा बिचार गर्नुहोस ।
· RQs
· theory
· methodology
· estimated output
Chapter III
(≈25% of total page, say 5)
Philosophy of Inquiry
philosophical inquiry को ४ वटा मुख्य भाग हुन्छ - सत्य (truth) लाइ हेर्ने तपाइंको दृष्टिकोण के हो? अर्थात तपाइंको ontology के हो? तपाइंको epistemology के हो ? तपाइंको methodology के हो? तपाइंको axiology के हो?
Design of the Study
यसमा अनुसन्धानको प्रकार (qualitative की quantitative), तपाइंको population and sample (quantitative भए) , तपाइंको informants (qualitative भए), तथ्यांक संकलनका लागि tools के के, तथ्यांक सकलन कसरी गर्ने र तथ्यांक को विश्लेषण कसरी गर्ने आदी सबै कुरा स्पष्ट सँग लेख्नुहोस
1. Are you interested in intervention study?
2. Are you interested in observing phenomena as it is?
3. Are you interested in applying test of hypothesis in order to draw conclusion? (Quantitative)
4. Are you interested in checking test of resonance in order to draw conclusion? (Qualitative)
Population and sample of the Study (Study Field and Participants of the Study)
The target population contains members of a group that a researcher is interested in studying. These results of the study are generalized to this population. Size of population depends on the objectives of the study.
1. Which sampling technique will you use if you are doing quantitative design?
2. How do you select respondents if you are doing qualitative design?
3. How do you justify that your sample/participants are representative?
Tools of the Study
1. Are you interested in qualitative/quantitative data?
2. How would you draw such data?
3. Reliability/validity (quality standard)- प्रमाण के हो? लेख्नुहोस
Data Collection Data Analysis Procedures
1. What technique do you use if your data is in nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio scale?
2. What technique do you use if your data is text, verbatim, narration?
ध्यान दिनु पर्ने कुरा
Ethical concerns: अरुले पत्याउने गरि आफ्ना काम कसरी गर्नु हुन्छ?
1. Wagle. M. P, (2019). Facebook Post, Retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/yelgaw.pm
2. Upadhyay H. P., (2017). Thesis/Proposal Anatomy, PowerPoint presentation [PowerPoint slides], Central Department of Education, TU
1. Wagle. M. P, (2019). Facebook Post, Retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/yelgaw.pm
2. Upadhyay H. P., (2017). Thesis/Proposal Anatomy, PowerPoint presentation [PowerPoint slides], Central Department of Education, TU
Source: Bed Prasad Dhakal